Google adds secretly a new feature into its Search Engine which designs automatically mathematics functions with coordinates on axis of ordinates and abscissa axis, by simply taping the Function on the search bar.
Five reasons to leave Facebook now!
Facebook becomes a source of wasting time, drop-off productivity and moral capacity. Statistics show that People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. One way or another, we have to leave it to save our lives from this serious issue and here are my top five reasons to quit it.
Posted » #Facebook
Webtool for web-designers to view your site's layout on different browsers
Browsershots is an opensource project under GNU GPL v3 license and one of the best online-tool to view your site's layout in different browsers, different operation systems, different devices and even tablets and gives you a screenshot for the page you submit its URL. More than 24 browsers shown on Linux, 38 browsers on Windows, Safari on Mac and 7 on BSD system.
You can select by:
- Screen Size
- Color Depth
- Javascript : Disabled/Enabled
- Java : Disabled/Enabled
- Flash : Disabled/Enabled (Flash v.10 and Flash v.11 available)
Also you can select screenshots by OS, availability of Gecko and availability KHTML/WebKit. Also you can download all those screenshots on a single ZIP file.
Screenshots can be processed from 2 minutes up to 5.
They can be expired in 30 minutes if you don't hit the "Extend" button and it will be extended up to one month from the last visit.
The default homepage screen:
The process screen:
A screenshot example (taken from Avant Browser):
An useful tool, needs some boost on the speed of process of photos to the central server and some few features, hope they will add them as soon as possible and hope it will be always a free.
Tutorial: How To Speed Up your Firefox Really Fast!
How To Speed Up your Firefox Really Fast!
Posted » #Firefox , #Tricks , #Tutorials
Tutorial: How to Surf Securely the Internet
A way from Simple and easy tricks to how to avoid Cyber Security Threats and avoid been hacked or getting spied-on.
Posted » #Security , #Tricks , #Tutorials , Vodafone, Telegraph, Acer, National Geographic got hacked!
The Register One of the Biggest British technology news and opinion website got hacked by Turkguvenligi . Not only this Vodafone, Telegraph, Acer, National Geographic, , also got hacked by him. Turkguvenligi is also know with name "TG Hacker'. These hacks are done by DNS Hijacking method. But still and other sites are accessible via the original IP address ( from several places around the world.
Posted » #Security as a Download Website down? Why?
Posted » #Misc Suspended since 07-12-2011 Suspended again in July 12th, 2011 due to "disallowed content" aka. "WAREZ".
Posted » #Misc
TOP 3 of The Best Music Player Applications for Windows Mobile
8:54 PM
| Posted by
Shichemt Älen
Posted » #Windows Mobile
Le .TN fera-t-il sa révolution?
Depuis le 14 Janvier, l’internet tunisien est marqué par de grandes réformes aussi audacieuses que rapides touchant notamment le domaine national .TN, désormais accessible à tous.
En effet, les conditions d'enregistrement de domaines en .TN sont moins contraignantes et privilégient "un mode de vérification des demandes à postériori plutôt que la méthode de vérification des demandes à priori (avant l’enregistrement) - jusque là adoptée." selon le communiqué de l'ATI (Agence Tunisienne d'Internet).
En effet, les conditions d'enregistrement de domaines en .TN sont moins contraignantes et privilégient "un mode de vérification des demandes à postériori plutôt que la méthode de vérification des demandes à priori (avant l’enregistrement) - jusque là adoptée." selon le communiqué de l'ATI (Agence Tunisienne d'Internet).
Posted » #Tunisie
ChangeLog 05-01-2011 - The Staff
Since May 1st, 2011, Our website was down about 2 weeks from now, and we had to change to hosting company. Unfortunately in May 3rd 2011, I signed a new contract with a new hosting company but after I paid them, they scammed me and their support team always unavailable and more issues...
Today we re-launch the website again but:
* September to December Archives were deleted (to optimize navigation and speed)
* The database works like a charm so the website is more stable now.
* Updated to the last version of the website script.
* We will add a donate button, and every donator will be listed as VIP and his name will be on the right corner of the website.
So the website is coming back again step by step as usual, we're glad for its restart and we hope it will survive longer.
--Shichemt Alen Staff
Today we re-launch the website again but:
* September to December Archives were deleted (to optimize navigation and speed)
* The database works like a charm so the website is more stable now.
* Updated to the last version of the website script.
* We will add a donate button, and every donator will be listed as VIP and his name will be on the right corner of the website.
So the website is coming back again step by step as usual, we're glad for its restart and we hope it will survive longer.
--Shichemt Alen Staff
Posted » #Misc
ShichDouble Framer v0.1
Posted » #Web Apps
Pour tous ceux qui ont un soucis d'Internet (Specialement TOPNET)
Pour contourner le bridage des FAIs sur le streaming par exemple, et en parallèle avec le fait de dénoncer ceci (parceque c'est inacceptable et illégal puisque non contractuel), Voici une petite solution pour dépasser cette problème:
Posted » #Tunisie Website suspended on 04-04-2011
Our website was suspended on 04-04-2011 due to "warez". the old hosting did changed their term & conditions, and their privacy rules, according to Google and DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). they suspended our website with having no access to my files and the database which everything was saved there. So i decided to contact them to have a solution, but until now, there is no reply to my demand. And we hope so give me a backup to the website, because I have to reset it from January 04th 2011.
We hope that the website will be back soon, and we're doing our best. Staff
Posted » #Misc
Welcome Readers! ;-)
Welcome to My Blog! Visitors,
This will be the launch of our blog which will be dedicated to teach you funny, easy, useful tricks on your computer online with tutorials, last updates and news and so on.
We hope your like my blog, and follow me on social networks, Feedburner and Google Reader.
This will be the launch of our blog which will be dedicated to teach you funny, easy, useful tricks on your computer online with tutorials, last updates and news and so on.
We hope your like my blog, and follow me on social networks, Feedburner and Google Reader.
Posted » #Misc
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