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Five reasons to leave Facebook now!

5 reasons to leave Facebook now!

Facebook becomes a source of wasting time, drop-off productivity and moral capacity. Statistics show that People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. One way or another, we have to leave it to save our lives from this serious issue and here are my top five reasons to quit it.

#5 Stupid statuses and Spam

TOP 5 reasons to leave Facebook now!

People share stupid statuses about Time "It's 11:11, who's thinking about me?" and "Who is online?" statuses and more crappy statuses and the most wondering thing that some other users liking/commenting them.

#4 Games, Games and Games

TOP 5 reasons to leave Facebook now!

Games are a serious source of time and money misusing like Sim Social, Poker and Cards games, buying virtual stuff and an endless missions and levels.

#3 News

TOP 5 reasons to leave Facebook now!

News and Rumors are everywhere, but Facebook is one of the most usable tool to spread them worldwide. So you may read one, two, three... and Boom! you spend 5 hours reading them.

#2 Accounts Hacking

TOP 5 reasons to leave Facebook now!

One Facebook user gets compromised every 140 milliseconds, as a result, it means that 600,000+ user account get compromised every day! So you surely don't like that a cyber-criminal shows off your conversation with your beloved and close friends or family members.

#1 Everyone is on Facebook!

TOP 5 reasons to leave Facebook now!
via Otega Daily Times

Everyone is on Facebook which means your beloved friends, your enemies, your entourage persons! those are OK but we don't forget about freak, strange, psychopath and sick people who downloads users photos available on Facebook to use them in an ill-behaved way.

Photo on the top was taken from MikeWhite Blog


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