Browsershots is an opensource project under GNU GPL v3 license and one of the best online-tool to view your site's layout in different browsers, different operation systems, different devices and even tablets and gives you a screenshot for the page you submit its URL. More than 24 browsers shown on Linux, 38 browsers on Windows, Safari on Mac and 7 on BSD system.
You can select by:
- Screen Size
- Color Depth
- Javascript : Disabled/Enabled
- Java : Disabled/Enabled
- Flash : Disabled/Enabled (Flash v.10 and Flash v.11 available)
Also you can select screenshots by
OS, availability of
Gecko and availability
KHTML/WebKit. Also you can download all those screenshots on a single ZIP file.
Screenshots can be processed from 2 minutes up to 5.
They can be expired in 30 minutes if you don't hit the "Extend" button and it will be extended up to one month from the last visit.
The default homepage screen:
The process screen:
A screenshot example (taken from Avant Browser):
An useful tool, needs some boost on the speed of process of photos to the central server and some few features, hope they will add them as soon as possible and hope it will be always a free.