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TOP 3 of The Best Music Player Applications for Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile has a plenty of applications created by developing teams like xda-developers and so on...

#3 GSPlayer

GSPlayer is a free MP3 Player, can stream also radios.
It supports MP3, M3U, PLS, MP2, MPA, OGG, RMP and WAV extensions..
One of the most feature it has is a fast loading on streaming radios! and it has an ugly design.


#2 Windows Media Player for Windows Mobile

It's the default Windows Mobile, Media Player, It's a good player, well-designed and stable too provided by Microsoft, but it miss some other features like Automatic Update Library every ActiveSync connection with the computer. Also it supports known extensions like WMV, MP3, MP4, 3GPP, WAV.
No Download Link (Built-in Program)

#1 Nitrogen

Nitrogen is my #1st Player in my phone, I really like it, it plays all known extension even iTunes ones. A cool design. Nice Menus, automatic update Music-Library and much more features...


All applications above are Freewares!
Last update: 11:47 PM - Oct 12th, 2013